10 Amazing Brain facts

Hello science lover how are you
Today we will discuss about our brain so you have any  question in your mind about brain
Ask me in 💬 comment so let's start

Brain facts

1  .our brain is much powerful as a computer.
2. our brain consume 20%  energy of body.
3. our right brain control left side body and
Left brain control right side body.
4.The human brain weighs 3 pounds.
5.our brain has the capacity to generate approximately 23 watts of power when awake.
6. The brain is capable of surviving for 5 to 6 minutes only if it doesn’t get oxygen after which it dies.
7.our brain has 100 billions neurons.
8. Our brain memory power is 2.5 petabytes. 9.  9 .Our brain is most fatty organ of our body. 

10. Our brain is more active at sliding. 

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